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How To Create An End-To-End Digital Leasing Experience: Broker Go.

QV Team| 09 July 2021

It’s no secret that brokers have always been well placed to manage digital customer journeys, and the pandemic has only accelerated that development. But as 95% of vehicle buyers now use digital as a source of information before leasing a car, a digital leasing solution is essential to capturing new business, increasing revenue and even winning renewals. 

With more and more options available to lease cars online, customers are spoilt for choice. Broker Go is the cost-effective package that will allow you to create an end to end digital leasing experience that appeals to customer expectations, and differentiates you from the competition. 

What is Broker Go? 

Broker Go is a package that provides car leasing brokers with everything they need to create a fully digital sales process, right out of the box. Priced at £699 (standard website) or £799 (premium website) per month, Broker Go allows you to automate manual tasks to boost efficiency, margins and provide a market leading customer experience from enquiry, all the way through to delivery. 

What's in the Broker Go Package? 

  • Accelerate CRM
    Track every stage of your customer journey, automate manual data entry and improve sales efficiency. 

  • CAP Data
    Regular updates of CAP vehicle data, with the ability to use the images on quotations and internal documentation.

  • QV Apply
    Share, edit and optimise proposals in real-time to find the right fit for your customer.

  • E-Sign
    Close deals anywhere with a safe, secure virtual handshake.

  • QV Automotive Website
    Engage and capture leads quickly with an industry-specific website, tailored to your business. 

  • Online Quotes
    Engage leads instantly and save time with simple, self service quotes. 

  • QV Vehicle Procurement
    Communicate with dealers to find the best deals and manage the delivery process.

Product Spotlight

While each product included in the Broker Go package work together for a seamless digital customer experience, key aspects of the functionality will become essential to your business.

Here are some of those standout products: 

QV Apply: 
Share, edit and optimise proposals in real-time to find the right fit for your customer. Broker Go comes with QV Apply, the online proposal tool that allows you to create a seamless credit proposal process for your customers and staff by collecting valuable credit proposal information using a secure, customer-specific link. 

Benefits of QV Apply: 

  • Reduce your customers’ workload with an online application page. Reduce manual customer work, and see a quicker time to market 
  • Create different forms based on customer type or funder for their different requirements 
  • Increase your win rate with notifications alerting you to unengaged customers 
  • Configurable to your branding and the information you need 

CAP Data:
Regularly update CAP vehicle data with the ability to use the images on quotations and internal documentation. Broker Go features integrated access to cap hpi, a market-leading provider of data in the vehicle leasing industry. 

Benefits of CAP Data: 

  • Always quote on the most up-to-date information as QV receives a nightly CAP feed 
  • View all technical data associated with a vehicle, leaving no question unanswerable 
  • Enhance your quote documentation with CAP images, allowing your customers to see the vehicle model they’ve requested 

QV Vehicle Procurement:
The QV Vehicle Procurement module connects brokers to dealers with ease. A digital acquisition process, brokers can submit quote requests to dealers on system. Removing the administrative burden from both sides of the leasing equation, it’s a more efficient way to send quotes and allows for transparency without confusion. 

Benefits for brokers

  • Better audited procurement process 
  • A simpler procurement process that removes confusion
  • Efficiency in sending quote requests 

Benefits for dealers

  • Administrative efficiency 
  • A new business channel for dealers

If you’re interested in seeing Broker Go in action, book a demo with our team.



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